Friday, October 2, 2009

It's time for Transparency

There's not enough transparency online these days. Do you know who is sponsoring the blogs you read? Are people declaring conflicts of interest?

We at Singaporeans For Free Speech & Transparency are tired of the wayang that is going on.

People claiming to be "Fair and Balanced"...
when they're anything but.

People claiming to be "Non-Partisan"...
when their actions don't live up to their claims.

People claiming to stand for "Free Speech" and "Disclosure"...
when they censor critics and refuse to give you the facts.

Do you have information that something is not what it seems? That our free speech is being manipulated by people behind the scenes? That transparency is anything other than transparent? You can email us at:

sgfreespeechtransparency [ at ]
(email obfuscated to defeat spambots)