Saturday, November 27, 2010

TOC gives publicity to website that promotes prostitution

The Online Citizen's Facebook page posted a very strange link from Sammyboy Forums. For those of you who haven't surfed the darker side of the Internet, Sammyboy [NSFW] has been linked to discussions of the sex trade and prostitution.
The very strange link is at the bottom of the screenshot. Beware, Sammyboy is NSFW and may attract attention of your employer, your net filter and even your wife if she checks your browser access logs. Practise safe surfing!
Looking at Temasek Review's Facebook, we can see that TR hasn't descended to the same gutter depths as TOC.
See, no Sammyboy link so far...

We knew all along that Temasek Review is more democratic and more transparent. Now we know that TR is also more classy than TOC -- after all, TOC has just given publicity to a website that (directly or indirectly) promotes prostitution.

We also know that Temasek Review has BALLS because TR stood up to Temasek Holdings. Wonder if Andrew Loh and TOC will have the same courage if a certain big shot comes after them for publishing the link. [Our legal advisors have told us not to link directly to that Sammyboy thread for obvious reasons.]

Is this why Andrew Loh is moving away from TOC? So that his good friend Joshua Chiang can take the heat when TOC gets into trouble?
So long, farewell, it's time for my buddy to take the rap!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

TOC tells ordinary Singaporean: You shouldn't be here unless you like us

Seen on TOC's Facebook page, in a discussion that was free-flowing on both sides until The Online Censor stepped in to tight-slap dissenting views.

TOC's elite uncaring message was: "You don't like us very much and thus perhaps you shouldn't be here." [scroll to the bottom to see the exchange, assuming TOC hasn't deleted it yet]

Screenshot taken Tue 23 Nov 2010, at 9.00 PM

Why is TOC only wanting to hear "the good stuff"? Surely they have the guts to defend their views, if they are campaigning for an open society?

Does TOC want a society with only YES-MEN? Will they be the next MIW if they ever come to power?

This is why we need true free press like Temasek Review.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hacker Attack On Our Facebook Account? Is TOC involved?

Within 24 hours of our latest proof of TOC being The Online Censor, we received a very strange email about our Facebook account.

Singaporeans For Free Speech & Transparency has never had trouble logging into our Facebook account. So why did we get this message?

Did somebody try to hack or disable our Facebook account? And if so, why?

Have our Free Speech & Transparency advocacies offended certain people? We saw how Dr Joseph Ong of Temasek Review had his name dragged through the mud in the MSM.

We exposed TOC as The Online Censor in 2009, and again as an enemy of free speech in 2010. Could they be behind what seems like a hacking attempt?

TOC The Online Censor Strikes Again, Pot Calling Kettle White?

YPAP and TOC have much in common. YPAP recently reached across the (figurative) table and gave TOC one tight slap. TOC then KBKB about no free speech, say YPAP only want to hear the good stuff.

But is this "The Pot Calling The Kettle WHITE"?

Singaporeans For Free Speech & Transparency now brings you more revelations about TOC The Online Censor - and how they are CENSORING critics on their website. Unlike Temasek Review which isn't afraid to let it all hang out (and we're not referring to a certain video here).

Friday, November 19, 2010

Shadrake's Legal Eagles - The TOC Link?

The Wall Street Journal recently covered the trial of UK anti-death penalty campaigner Alan Shadrake. It features a photo of Shadrake, his lawyer M. Ravi, and another gentleman who bears a remarkable resemblance to Choo Zheng Xi, Editor-at-Large of The Online Citizen.

Photo Credit: Reuters / WSJ
We hate the death penalty as much as the next righteous convict, but why is it that TOC is giving so much more coverage to Shadrake than Temasek Review?

Is it because a key figure of TOC is involved with Shadrake's legal team?

Is there a conflict of interest for TOC, when they publish news on the Shadrake trial? Like here, here, here and here.

Why hasn't TOC publicly declared this conflict of interest, when they stand up for transparency on everything else?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

David See Leong Kit speaks. The Online Citizen censors.

Somebody claiming to be David See Leong Kit just claimed on Temasek Review that the article was sent to both TR and TOC.

If this were the simple truth, why is it that TOC still has not published our comment asking about possible plagiarism?

Surely TOC would be unafraid to print the truth, if the truth will set them free!

Ask yourself: If TOC can censor this, what else are they censoring?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Did The Online Citizen Plagiarise Temasek Review?

On 29 June, our friends at Temasek Review published a letter from a reader which the government-linked MSM refused to publish. [screenshot shown above]

One day later, The Online Citizen published the same letter. [see more screenshot evidence above]

TOC showed NO RECOGNITION that Temasek Review published the letter first.

Is TOC stooping so low as to plagiarise Temasek Review now? Can Andrew Loh please tell us? Can Ng E-Jay, who uploaded the article to TOC, please explain? Or was it an HONEST MISTAKE???

Update: TOC has comment moderation enabled. They censored our attempts to highlight this problem.

Monday, May 31, 2010

TOC wayang, SEX & why Temasek Review the Apprentice is now the Master

Less than 12 hours ago, Andrew Loh of The Online Citizen posted an update saying they were going on an "indefinite break". Co-incidentally, there is a banner asking for donations.

Money problems? Does this explain TOC's articles asking for donations of late? The hint of trouble was when TOC started doing lifestyle stories, including articles by a SEXologist on matters like vaginismus, vulvas and vaginas.[don't worry, these are safe for work]

Before you mistake me as being un-AWARE (the new old one, not the old new one), I can tell you that SEX is fine in the "fine" city of Singapore, unless you are doing it the wrong way according to the law. BTW, I always answer "Yes please" when filling up surveys.

For a political site like TOC, their deviation from previous behaviour suggests they needed eyeballs. And what better way to drive eyeballs than sex 'n' lifestyle.

Temasek Review on the other hand was smarter. They grabbed people by the eyeballs early on, and then moved into more serious political commentary. The Apprentice is now the Master.

So let's see what happens. Or is it all the inevitable progression of SEX, LIES and ROCK & ROLL!