Singaporeans For Free Speech & Transparency (SGFree) is not particularly interested in the ongoing dogfight / catfight / shark fight.
What concerns us is that TOC has claimed to seek "honest and civil exchange of views". Yet TOC has been unwilling to apply their same standards of "honest" to themselves.
We decided to test TOC, by posting a valid question: Were they doing what some have accused certain media outlets of, i.e. interviewing partisans and passing it off as balanced reporting?
So we asked them a simple question: was the "Bernard Chen" year 1 history major who they interviewed also the same person who is an office holder in a Singapore political party youth wing?
Our question was CENSORED. Along with a post by someone else, who claimed the TOC debate was "rather shameful".
TOC, we can understand why some misguided souls may want to hide the facts. But suppressing views is one step further! Singaporeans deserve better.
We are attaching screenshots to prove the censorship occurred.
[Screen 1 below] Notice comment #116 of 4.38am, and our own comment #118 at 8.47am on 27 Oct 2009.

[Screen 2 below] Notice comment #116 has been censored. Our own comment #118 has also been censored. We are waiting to see if our latest comment (the new #116) at 9.10am has also been censored.

[Screen 3 below] UPDATE: Our latest comment was also censored. We have posted a "testing testing" message so that TOC's server provides a timestamp, to prove the censorship occurred.
We had called for TOC to be transparent about the investigation and action they were taking against the alleged "threats" that were going on. We also enquired about why they are censoring free speech.

We will test other websites. P65 has already been tested by some of our online Singaporeans, who forced an admission about PAP membership. Tune in again as we shine more light into the Singapore blogosphere!!!