It took a strange turn when one (no relation to Annabel Chong), revealed that was registered by members of the Workers' Party. asked if Andrew Loh was a member of the Workers' Party Youth Wing.
An important question as TOC claimed to be non-partisan.
What ensued was a denial on par with a certain famous individual saying he did not have sexual relations according to that definition.
The Online Citizen then claimed that "made unsubstantiated claims such as Andrew being a member of the WP Youth Wing".
But TOC's own website admits that Andrew Loh quit the Workers' Party from April 2, 2008. So he was still a Workers' Party member in 2007.
So did they mean to say that Andrew Loh and TOC got off the hook, because he wasn't a member of the WP Youth Wing? Or is this a hair splitting denial that doesn't get to the spirit of the truth?
Is this the standard of truth and transparency that Singaporeans deserve?
We have the screenshots to prove it.
We bring you the facts. Because you deserve to know.
TOC claims to be "non-partisan and not affiliated to any organisation - political or otherwise".

SCREENSHOT 2 asks about being registered by Workers' Party members.
Also asks if Andrew Loh is a member of WP Youth Wing.
Poor Deepthroat. He/she spat too soon. The biting question wasn't firm enough and there was room for TOC to wriggle. (We will stop for now as this is a family friendly website and not the SammyBoy forums.)

TOC says Andrew Loh is not a member of WP Youth Wing.
Notice how they don't say he is not a member of WP.

But TOC's own website claims Andrew Loh resigned from WP in 2008. So he must have been a WP member in 2007, even if TOC said he wasn't part of WP Youth Wing!
So the FACTS are out. Maybe TOC didn't exactly lie to you. But they certainly didn't give you the truth.