Tuesday, November 10, 2009

TOC Flip Flop, Flop Flip

A very strange thing has happened at The Online Citizen over the past one week.

First, founding editor Andrew Loh was reported as having quit and would "no longer be involved with the operations of The Online Citizen".

But one week later, Andrew Loh is now writing articles in full force. And he is now "Editor-at-large", enjoying the same rank and status as Choo Zheng Xi.

What is happening? Why the flip-flop by TOC? It seems more and more like TOC is going into the throes of internal political fighting.

Can you trust TOC when they flip-flop in the space of 7 days? At least Temasek Review only acts weird when they have a Denial of Service attack on them!

What is happening to the Singapore blogosphere? Can we trust anybody anymore?

TOC, give us a frank and full account of what happened!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Power Struggle in TOC? Transparency please!

Of late there have been many strange rumblings within The Online Citizen.

Leong Sze Hian became Acting Managing Editor.

Alfian Sa'at, who we understand was credited as scriptwriter for the National Day Parade 2009, is a Columnist.

And now Andrew Loh, TOC Founder and Chief Editor, has left TOC!

Our undercover reporters have hypothesized that there is infighting and jockeying for position within TOC. For whoever controls TOC will have a very powerful online broadcast platform to play with.

So was Andrew Loh the first victim of infighting within TOC?

And did our exposé of TOC play a role in the change? We may never know. But we call upon TOC to give a full and transparent explanation of the reasons for Andrew Loh's departure. TOC supporters past and present deserve the facts.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The importance of Deep Throat in Singapore

This is an article about something profound, which some people have difficulty swallowing. Some will spit it back in your faces. But we believe it is an important component of healthy free speech, of achieving the climax of human democracy. (No, this is not about Section 377.)

A couple of readers have asked us if it is possible to be credible without revealing our names.

The answer is YES.

Remember Watergate in the USA? It was reported by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of The Washington Post.

But the most important figure in Watergate did not reveal his name at the time. He was only known as DEEP THROAT.

Imagine what would have happened if the American people had written off Watergate only because DEEP THROAT did not reveal himself.

Ask yourself what the real agenda is, when people write off a commentator because of anonymity. To say the anonymous cannot be credible, is to say Watergate should not have succeeded. We might still be having a Nixon Regime in Washington today.